Article I
Name: This association shall be called the Southern Pines Civic Club, Inc
Article II
Mission: The purpose of the Club shall be to increase public interest in all matters relating to citizenship, to promote civic and social interests of the members, and to improve the quality of life in this area.
Article III
Management: The management of the Southern Pines Civic Club, Inc shall be vested in the Board of Directors.
Article IV
Amendments: This constitution and by-laws may be changed at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting. Notice of the proposed change shall be announced at the meeting prior to the meeting at which the proposed change vote will take place. Additionally, a copy should be sent to all members at the time of announcement. [Amended 11/2018]
Article V
Upon dissolution of the organization, the real estate and personal property shall be sold at Fair Market Value with the proceeds being distributed in total or in part to one or more organizations within the Town of Southern Pines exempt under section 501[c][3] of the Internal Revenue Code and/or shall be distributed to the Town of Southern Pines government for a public purpose designated by the Southern Pines Civic Club membership [Amended 11/2018]
Name: This association shall be called the Southern Pines Civic Club, Inc
Article II
Mission: The purpose of the Club shall be to increase public interest in all matters relating to citizenship, to promote civic and social interests of the members, and to improve the quality of life in this area.
Article III
Management: The management of the Southern Pines Civic Club, Inc shall be vested in the Board of Directors.
Article IV
Amendments: This constitution and by-laws may be changed at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting. Notice of the proposed change shall be announced at the meeting prior to the meeting at which the proposed change vote will take place. Additionally, a copy should be sent to all members at the time of announcement. [Amended 11/2018]
Article V
Upon dissolution of the organization, the real estate and personal property shall be sold at Fair Market Value with the proceeds being distributed in total or in part to one or more organizations within the Town of Southern Pines exempt under section 501[c][3] of the Internal Revenue Code and/or shall be distributed to the Town of Southern Pines government for a public purpose designated by the Southern Pines Civic Club membership [Amended 11/2018]
Article I - Membership
Section 1. – Women may become members under such rules and conditions as the officers may, from time to time, prescribe upon the annual payment of dues. Men may become Honorary Members under such rules, regulations and conditions as the officers may, from time to time, prescribe upon payment of the annual prescribed dues. Honorary Members have no voting privilege. (Amended 12/2/13)
Annual dues should be paid by the May meeting. Only members whose dues are paid shall be listed in the Membership Directory.
Section 2. – Distinguished Members. Any member may propose a person for distinguished membership by writing a letter to the Board of Directors for its consideration and action. The Distinguished Member will then be notified by letter from the Corresponding Secretary. Distinguished Members are not required to pay dues and have no voting privilege. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 1. – The Board of Directors shall consist of President, three Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and Chair of the Standing Committees. At the discretion of the Nominating Committee, two members as co-chairs may be nominated to fill a term of office.
(Amended 11/2018)
Section 2. – Officers shall be elected for a two-year term in the same capacity. Exceptions must be approved by the Board of Directors. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 3. – The retiring President shall serve in an advisory capacity as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors for a period of one year.
Section 1. – Duties of Officers:
A. President and Vice Presidents: The President, and in her absence, the Vice Presidents, in their order, shall preside at all meetings of the Club and Board of Directors. She shall prepare and distribute agenda and newsletters. The President shall appoint chairpersons of all non-Board committees. She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. She shall have the power to call special meetings of the Club and Board of Directors. (Amended 11/2018)
B. Vice Presidents:
1) First Vice President shall be chair of the Program Committee.
2) Second Vice President shall be chair of the Ways and Means Committee.
3) Third Vice President shall be chair of the Community Relations Committee. (Amended 4/4/98)
C. Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of each Club and Board meeting and additionally keep an attendance record. She shall collect and file annual reports of committee chairs. She shall be responsible for the preparation of updated binders to be distributed at the May Board meeting. (Amended 11/2018)
D. Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the Club correspondence. (Amended 11/2018)
E. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep the books of the Club, paying all authorized bills timely and keeping an account of all deposits and receipts. She shall make a monthly report to the Board of Directors on the monthly receipts and expenditures made on behalf of the Club and to members at the regular Club meetings on the financial status of the treasury. Prepare or have prepared the statements to be submitted to the various tax offices to maintain the tax-exempt status of the Club and the completing and filing of any needed insurance claims or forms. An audit is to be performed at the completion of each Treasurer’s term of office. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 1. – Standing Committees: Each Standing Committee shall consist of the chair and members appointed by her. (Amended 1/5/04)
A. Program, under the chairmanship of the First Vice-President, shall arrange a program for each regular monthly meeting.
B. Ways and Means Committee, under the chairmanship of the Second Vice-President, shall be responsible for money-raising activities.
C. Community Relations Committee, under the chairmanship of the Third Vice-President, shall investigate community needs, participate where possible in community and civic activities and bring community projects to the attention of the Club. (Amended 11/2018)
D. Rental Committee shall be responsible for the rental of the Clubhouse to a responsible group, person or organization. Renters will be informed of the rental terms and of liability in the care of the property. She shall maintain a monthly calendar of renters and volunteer inspectors. (Amended 11/2018)
1) Rental fees shall be set by the Board of Directors.
2) Long-term rentals will be approved by the Board of Directors. (Amended 4/4/98)
E. Hospitality Committee shall be responsible for hostesses who will prepare and serve refreshments at the regular Club meetings or arrange for a caterer. The Hospitality Committee shall also be responsible for refreshments for other functions, if approved by the Board.
F. Grounds Committee shall arrange for the maintenance and care of the Club grounds. Income provided by the McCormick Garden Fund may be used for special projects. (Amended 11/2018)
G. House Committee shall have charge of the maintenance of the Clubhouse, its furnishings and equipment and shall arrange for custodial service Expenditures for major repairs must be approved by the Board of Directors. (Amended 11/2018)
H. Membership Committee shall enlist new members. Each year the committee shall prepare a membership directory to be distributed to all members. A member of this committee shall be assigned to serve as official Club hostess to greet members and guests at regular meetings.
I. Publicity Committee shall prepare media releases regarding each general meeting as well as any special events and updates to social media as necessary. She shall maintain the Club scrapbook. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 2. - Other Committees:
A. Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer as Chair and chairs of the following committees: Ways and Means, House and Rental. The President shall have the authority to appoint any additional members with the approval of the Board. They shall prepare the annual budget to be presented to the Board by the October meeting. (Amended 11/2018)
B. Nominating Committee shall consist of one Board member and two non-Board members who shall be appointed by the President not later than the January meeting of each year. The committee shall present a slate of candidates to be announced to both the Board and the membership in March. All nominees to any position must have agreed to serve, if elected.
C. Executive Committee shall consist of the President, First Vice-President, recording Secretary and Treasurer. The committee shall be convened when an emergency decision is needed.
D. The Board of Directors has the authority to create Ad Hoc (non-voting/non-participating) committees as needed.
Section 1. – Regular meetings shall be held on the first non-holiday Monday of each month, October through May. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 2. – The Annual Meeting shall be the regular meeting in May. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 3. – The Board of Directors shall hold regularly scheduled meetings once a month during the Club year.
Section 4. – Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President or at the request of any three Directors.
Section 1. – The Nominating Committee shall first present a slate of officers and committee chairs to the Board of Directors and then to the membership at the March meeting. This slate will be voted upon by the membership at the April meeting with installation held at the Annual Meeting in May.
Section 2. – Nominations may be made from the floor, provided the nominee has given her consent. In case of nominations from the floor, a teller shall be appointed and a secret ballot taken.
Section 3. – Officers and Directors to be elected in evenyears shall be: President, SecondVice-President, Recording Secretary, and three Directors to serve as Hospitality, Rental and Membership chairs. Officers and Directors to be elected in oddnumbered years shall be: First Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and three Directors to serve as chairs of House, Grounds and Publicity committees. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 4. – Nominations shall be made by the President and elected by the Board of Directors for any vacancies occurring among the officers or directors for their unexpired term of office.
Donations over $500 shall be approved by the Board of Directors and reported to the general membership. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 1. – For Club meetings, the quorum for transaction of business shall be a majority.
Section 2. – For the Board of Directors, the quorum for transaction of business shall be seven.
An audit is to be performed at the completion of each Treasurer’s term of office. (Amended 11/2018)
The deliberations of all meetings of the Club and Board of Directors shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.
If a Board of Director or Standing Committee Chair is absent for more than two consecutive meetings without advising the President the reason for such absence, the Board member or Chair may be removed. After missing the second meeting without notice, the full Board may by a 2/3 vote move to accept or reject the implied resignation.
Further, any Board of Directors or Standing Committee Chair who is also derelict in the responsibility of their office or committee may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the full Board of Directors.
Amended 11/2018
Section 1. – Women may become members under such rules and conditions as the officers may, from time to time, prescribe upon the annual payment of dues. Men may become Honorary Members under such rules, regulations and conditions as the officers may, from time to time, prescribe upon payment of the annual prescribed dues. Honorary Members have no voting privilege. (Amended 12/2/13)
Annual dues should be paid by the May meeting. Only members whose dues are paid shall be listed in the Membership Directory.
Section 2. – Distinguished Members. Any member may propose a person for distinguished membership by writing a letter to the Board of Directors for its consideration and action. The Distinguished Member will then be notified by letter from the Corresponding Secretary. Distinguished Members are not required to pay dues and have no voting privilege. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 1. – The Board of Directors shall consist of President, three Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and Chair of the Standing Committees. At the discretion of the Nominating Committee, two members as co-chairs may be nominated to fill a term of office.
(Amended 11/2018)
Section 2. – Officers shall be elected for a two-year term in the same capacity. Exceptions must be approved by the Board of Directors. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 3. – The retiring President shall serve in an advisory capacity as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors for a period of one year.
Section 1. – Duties of Officers:
A. President and Vice Presidents: The President, and in her absence, the Vice Presidents, in their order, shall preside at all meetings of the Club and Board of Directors. She shall prepare and distribute agenda and newsletters. The President shall appoint chairpersons of all non-Board committees. She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. She shall have the power to call special meetings of the Club and Board of Directors. (Amended 11/2018)
B. Vice Presidents:
1) First Vice President shall be chair of the Program Committee.
2) Second Vice President shall be chair of the Ways and Means Committee.
3) Third Vice President shall be chair of the Community Relations Committee. (Amended 4/4/98)
C. Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of each Club and Board meeting and additionally keep an attendance record. She shall collect and file annual reports of committee chairs. She shall be responsible for the preparation of updated binders to be distributed at the May Board meeting. (Amended 11/2018)
D. Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the Club correspondence. (Amended 11/2018)
E. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep the books of the Club, paying all authorized bills timely and keeping an account of all deposits and receipts. She shall make a monthly report to the Board of Directors on the monthly receipts and expenditures made on behalf of the Club and to members at the regular Club meetings on the financial status of the treasury. Prepare or have prepared the statements to be submitted to the various tax offices to maintain the tax-exempt status of the Club and the completing and filing of any needed insurance claims or forms. An audit is to be performed at the completion of each Treasurer’s term of office. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 1. – Standing Committees: Each Standing Committee shall consist of the chair and members appointed by her. (Amended 1/5/04)
A. Program, under the chairmanship of the First Vice-President, shall arrange a program for each regular monthly meeting.
B. Ways and Means Committee, under the chairmanship of the Second Vice-President, shall be responsible for money-raising activities.
C. Community Relations Committee, under the chairmanship of the Third Vice-President, shall investigate community needs, participate where possible in community and civic activities and bring community projects to the attention of the Club. (Amended 11/2018)
D. Rental Committee shall be responsible for the rental of the Clubhouse to a responsible group, person or organization. Renters will be informed of the rental terms and of liability in the care of the property. She shall maintain a monthly calendar of renters and volunteer inspectors. (Amended 11/2018)
1) Rental fees shall be set by the Board of Directors.
2) Long-term rentals will be approved by the Board of Directors. (Amended 4/4/98)
E. Hospitality Committee shall be responsible for hostesses who will prepare and serve refreshments at the regular Club meetings or arrange for a caterer. The Hospitality Committee shall also be responsible for refreshments for other functions, if approved by the Board.
F. Grounds Committee shall arrange for the maintenance and care of the Club grounds. Income provided by the McCormick Garden Fund may be used for special projects. (Amended 11/2018)
G. House Committee shall have charge of the maintenance of the Clubhouse, its furnishings and equipment and shall arrange for custodial service Expenditures for major repairs must be approved by the Board of Directors. (Amended 11/2018)
H. Membership Committee shall enlist new members. Each year the committee shall prepare a membership directory to be distributed to all members. A member of this committee shall be assigned to serve as official Club hostess to greet members and guests at regular meetings.
I. Publicity Committee shall prepare media releases regarding each general meeting as well as any special events and updates to social media as necessary. She shall maintain the Club scrapbook. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 2. - Other Committees:
A. Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer as Chair and chairs of the following committees: Ways and Means, House and Rental. The President shall have the authority to appoint any additional members with the approval of the Board. They shall prepare the annual budget to be presented to the Board by the October meeting. (Amended 11/2018)
B. Nominating Committee shall consist of one Board member and two non-Board members who shall be appointed by the President not later than the January meeting of each year. The committee shall present a slate of candidates to be announced to both the Board and the membership in March. All nominees to any position must have agreed to serve, if elected.
C. Executive Committee shall consist of the President, First Vice-President, recording Secretary and Treasurer. The committee shall be convened when an emergency decision is needed.
D. The Board of Directors has the authority to create Ad Hoc (non-voting/non-participating) committees as needed.
Section 1. – Regular meetings shall be held on the first non-holiday Monday of each month, October through May. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 2. – The Annual Meeting shall be the regular meeting in May. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 3. – The Board of Directors shall hold regularly scheduled meetings once a month during the Club year.
Section 4. – Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President or at the request of any three Directors.
Section 1. – The Nominating Committee shall first present a slate of officers and committee chairs to the Board of Directors and then to the membership at the March meeting. This slate will be voted upon by the membership at the April meeting with installation held at the Annual Meeting in May.
Section 2. – Nominations may be made from the floor, provided the nominee has given her consent. In case of nominations from the floor, a teller shall be appointed and a secret ballot taken.
Section 3. – Officers and Directors to be elected in evenyears shall be: President, SecondVice-President, Recording Secretary, and three Directors to serve as Hospitality, Rental and Membership chairs. Officers and Directors to be elected in oddnumbered years shall be: First Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and three Directors to serve as chairs of House, Grounds and Publicity committees. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 4. – Nominations shall be made by the President and elected by the Board of Directors for any vacancies occurring among the officers or directors for their unexpired term of office.
Donations over $500 shall be approved by the Board of Directors and reported to the general membership. (Amended 11/2018)
Section 1. – For Club meetings, the quorum for transaction of business shall be a majority.
Section 2. – For the Board of Directors, the quorum for transaction of business shall be seven.
An audit is to be performed at the completion of each Treasurer’s term of office. (Amended 11/2018)
The deliberations of all meetings of the Club and Board of Directors shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.
If a Board of Director or Standing Committee Chair is absent for more than two consecutive meetings without advising the President the reason for such absence, the Board member or Chair may be removed. After missing the second meeting without notice, the full Board may by a 2/3 vote move to accept or reject the implied resignation.
Further, any Board of Directors or Standing Committee Chair who is also derelict in the responsibility of their office or committee may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the full Board of Directors.
Amended 11/2018
105 S. Ashe St., Southern Pines, NC 28387